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Inspiration: DayBefore!Misery

LI MIN: Bukit Timah Nature Reserve
Written on: Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Time: 7:12 AM

Bukit Timah Reserve, the place to be!!

Bukit Timah Reserve is the ONLY primary rainforest left in Singapore which shelters more species of trees than the entire North American continent.

It is established in 1883 and in 1951; it received more protection under the Nature Reserves Ordinance which was enacted under the National Parks Act.

This lush 164-hectare reserve now has 840 flowering plants and over 500 species of animals.

Towering trees, climbing palms (better known as rattans), ferns, orchids, gingers and strange blooms such as the can be spotted easily.

If you want something more challenging, try finding the insect-eating pitcher plant!!

The most commonly encountered animal is the Long-tailed Macaques (monkey)
which room around freely. You may even spot them swing from tree to tree!!
But please do not feed them as it does more harm than good to them.

Open your eyes and be more observant to spot Flying lemur (Colugo), squirrels and forest birds which include the Striped tit-babbler, the Fairy bluebird, drongos and bulbuls.

While experiencing Bukit Timah Reserve, don’t forget to hike up to Bukit Timah Hill!
It is Singapore’s highest point which stands at 164 m above sea level!!

Some interesting facts for you:

• Bukit means hill in the Malay language, while Timah means tin,
However, tin deposits are not found in the area. (=

• The hill served as a granite quarry for many years, but since the mid-1900s, all operations of which has since been abandoned and converted into recreational areas and even filming locations

With so much to experience and see, what are you waiting for?

Come down to Bukit Timah Reserve NOW!!

It is open from 8.30 am - 6.30 pm DAILY!!

Plus Admission is FREE!!